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Training Course: Advanced Techniques for Surface/Interface Characterization
November 21, 2022 - November 25, 2022
Hours/student: 8 theory, 12 lab/practice, 2 outreach actions, 2 industry visit
Miguel Ángel Cabrerizo Vílchez (MACV)- mcabre@ugr.es
Julia Maldonado Valderrama (JMV)- julia@ugr.es
Miguel Ángel Fernández Rodríguez (MAFR)- mafernandez@ugr.es
Miguel Ángel Rodríguez Valverde (MARV)- marodri@ugr.es
Francisco Javier Montes Ruiz-Cabello (FJMRC)- fjmontes@ugr.es
Alberto Martín Molina (AMM)- almartin@ugr.es
Schon Gabriel Fusco (SGF)- schonfusco@ugr.es
LF I- Liquid-fluid interfaces I (MAFR)
Surface tension and its physical implications. Measurement of surface/interfacial tension. Thermodynamic quantities at interfaces. Monolayers.
LF II- Liquid-fluid interfaces II (JMV)
Kinetics properties of interfacial layers: adsorption dynamics and dilatational rheology. Theoretical and empirical models, diffusion coefficient and dilatational parameters. Experimental methods. Examples and case studies: surfactants, proteins, polymers and microgels.
WP I- Wetting phenomena I (MARV)
Adhesion. Contact angle hysteresis. Fundamental equations. Contact angle measurement and interpretation.
WP II- Wetting phenomena II (MARV)
Extreme wettability: liquid/air-repellent, liquid/air-retaining. Singular techniques (based on the drop motion).
LLFI- Self-assembly of a microgel monolayer at a water/air interface and deposition on a silicon substrate. Characterization of the deposited monolayer by atomic force microscopy. (MAFR)
LLFII- Calculation of diffusion coefficient and dilatational parameters of two model proteins from experimental data of pendant drop tensiometer obtained in LSIP. (JMV)
LabI- Measurement of the molecular length of oleic acid. (JMV, AMM)
LabII- Measurement of Critical Micellar Concentration of an ionic surfactant using surface tension and electric conductivity. (MAFR, AMM)
LWPI-The role of roughness in wetting properties of surfaces: Estimation of contact angle hysteresis of various polystyrene surfaces by low-rate dynamic contact angle measurements. (FJMRC)
LWPII-Extreme wettability. (SGF, MARV)
OISS- Outreach in Interface/Surface Science (MACV)
Poster session
Individual presentations and networking